lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Concert whit mommy

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk to you about the last concert that I enjoyed together with my mother.
As a family we really like the Los Vásquez group of brothers and we know almost all of their songs by heart! On Mother's Day of the year 2018 we attended a concert of theirs with my mother and we enjoyed their music and their presentation on stage very much, as you can imagine the atmosphere was very happy and also quite bustling, you could see how in each place the people danced to the music and enjoyed the show, this made us have an amazing time and we ended up liking these talented brothers even more.

These artists are very friendly with their public and have helped in various charity events and that is why as a family we continue their work and listen to their songs at full volume jiji. :)

I hope that at some point you can attend one of their concerts so that you can enjoy their music, which has a very good rhythm to dance too.

2 comentarios:

  1. Good that you could go to a concert of this group, I hope to be able to attend at some point and enjoy their good music.

  2. Being able to attend a Concert is an unique experience!, specially enjoyable if you go with a partner. It must have been a fun concert.
