jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

My English Today

Hello friends, this is the last blog that I will publish during this semester and I would like to tell you how my level of English has advanced until today thanks to the classes I receive from the university and also thanks to different means that I have used. 

First I must tell you that right now my English is much better than it was a few months ago, but it is still not quite perfect obviously, although during classes I have been able to improve the pronunciation and also the understanding when they speak that language. 

These months of pandemic I have been able to take advantage of practicing my English more when watching series in that language, since I find it better and it is much more entertaining because that way the emotions of the actors feel more, also since my adolescence I have listened to music in English so it is easier to understand what they are saying to me right now. 

Despite familiarizing myself a little more with English at the moment, I must admit that it is very necessary to continue practicing speaking in this language since I still get confused with the pronunciation of several words, likewise I must practice more writing in English to be able to express better my phrases and sentences. I hope with practice, to have a better command of English because we all know that it is a universal language and that it is much easier to communicate with that language abroad, in addition, managing English completely opens many doors in the labor field, which It would serve a lot for my future plans. 

I hope you all are okay.

martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Study programme

Hi guys, I hope you are well in all this situation worldwide. 
Today I will talk to you about some changes that I would implement in my study program. I studied Psychology at the University of Chile on the Juan Gomez Miles campus.

I have reflected a bit on the matter and concluded that it would be good to change some things in co-curricular activities such as implementing more activities in which you can interact with people outside of the university and thus be able to have a greater knowledge about what awaits us at the end of the degree at this same point  I would also like to some methodologies change in the classes to be able to do field work so we would have a better experience within the course 

I find that a change in connectivity within the faculty would be very beneficial for everyone since there are places where it is very difficult to get a good Internet signal. 

On the other hand, I would like that the teachers who teach us the classes can use a visual aid in the classes, so they would be more didactic and the students would learn better, for this it is necessary that in the classrooms the teachers and students have access to various technological materials such as a computer and a projector. 

For now only these changes occur to me to improve my career experience, since within everything it is a very interesting career and it has teachers who are very interested in teaching us in the best way.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Pandemic Times

Hello dear readers, today I will talk about the situation that we have all been experiencing for a few months and that Covid-19 has affected the lives of many. 
During the pandemic, in my personal case I have been able to enjoy my family time and most of the days we have had a good time although there are also days when it is impossible to be all in the same room ... 
As a family we have had to adapt (like everyone else) to the situation of not leaving the house unless it is to buy food, in my house only my parents and my brother and I stay home without going anywhere.
Despite all the bad that this virus and quarantine entails, I think that it could leave something good and that would be that as a society we begin to respect the space of the other person and also that we can see and understand that not all of us have the same benefits for what that it is very important that we help others when necessary. (And obviously hygiene will improve a lot in all homes). 
This semester of classes has been somewhat complicated since many classmates (including me) have problems with connectivity, so it is very difficult to attend all virtual classes, but as a career we have been paralyzed in academic activities, so I think it has not It was a lot of burden that we carried when studying. 
I sincerely hope that the pandemic ends later, but I must be realistic and tell you that I think that this situation will not end later, but on the contrary, I would have several more months in this situation of pandemic and total quarantine.