martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Study programme

Hi guys, I hope you are well in all this situation worldwide. 
Today I will talk to you about some changes that I would implement in my study program. I studied Psychology at the University of Chile on the Juan Gomez Miles campus.

I have reflected a bit on the matter and concluded that it would be good to change some things in co-curricular activities such as implementing more activities in which you can interact with people outside of the university and thus be able to have a greater knowledge about what awaits us at the end of the degree at this same point  I would also like to some methodologies change in the classes to be able to do field work so we would have a better experience within the course 

I find that a change in connectivity within the faculty would be very beneficial for everyone since there are places where it is very difficult to get a good Internet signal. 

On the other hand, I would like that the teachers who teach us the classes can use a visual aid in the classes, so they would be more didactic and the students would learn better, for this it is necessary that in the classrooms the teachers and students have access to various technological materials such as a computer and a projector. 

For now only these changes occur to me to improve my career experience, since within everything it is a very interesting career and it has teachers who are very interested in teaching us in the best way.

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