martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Pandemic Times

Hello dear readers, today I will talk about the situation that we have all been experiencing for a few months and that Covid-19 has affected the lives of many. 
During the pandemic, in my personal case I have been able to enjoy my family time and most of the days we have had a good time although there are also days when it is impossible to be all in the same room ... 
As a family we have had to adapt (like everyone else) to the situation of not leaving the house unless it is to buy food, in my house only my parents and my brother and I stay home without going anywhere.
Despite all the bad that this virus and quarantine entails, I think that it could leave something good and that would be that as a society we begin to respect the space of the other person and also that we can see and understand that not all of us have the same benefits for what that it is very important that we help others when necessary. (And obviously hygiene will improve a lot in all homes). 
This semester of classes has been somewhat complicated since many classmates (including me) have problems with connectivity, so it is very difficult to attend all virtual classes, but as a career we have been paralyzed in academic activities, so I think it has not It was a lot of burden that we carried when studying. 
I sincerely hope that the pandemic ends later, but I must be realistic and tell you that I think that this situation will not end later, but on the contrary, I would have several more months in this situation of pandemic and total quarantine.

3 comentarios:

  1. Family life sometimes in this context can be difficult even when we have a good relationship. This happens in my house too

  2. We can have good and bad days, the important is that you and your family can be alright.

  3. It's difficult not to have problems with our family in this context of confinement, but it's also an opportunity to share more with them and do more activities together.
